
1 android指纹模块流程图


  • Tee : trusted excution env

2 android setting指纹模块入口


  • packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/
  • frameworks/base/core/java/android/hardware/fingerprint/
  • frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/fingerprint/
  • frameworks/base/core/java/android/hardware/fingerprint/IFingerprintDaemon.aidl
  • system/core/fingerprintd/IFingerprintDaemon.cpp
  • system/core/fingerprintd/FingerprintDaemonProxy.cpp
  • hardware/libhardware/hardware.c
  • hardware/libhardware/modules/fingerprint/fingerprint.c



  1. Settings在做页面展示的时候会调用maybeAddFingerprintPreference函数判断是否 添加fingerprint preference.
  2. maybeAddFingerprintPreference内部调用FingerprintManager的isHardwareDetected 函数.
  3. FingerprintManager调用FingerprintService中的isHardwareDetected函数.
  4. FingerprintService中的isHardwareDetected函数首先进行权限检查,然后如果 mDeviceHalId等于0返回false,表示没有检测到指纹相关的硬件.否则返回ture. mDeviceHalId为底层openHal的返回值.
  5. openHal函数的实现非常简单,代码片段如下.

    int64_t FingerprintDaemonProxy::openHal() {
      ALOG(LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_TAG, "nativeOpenHal()\n");
      int err;
      const hw_module_t *hw_module = NULL;
      if (0 != (err = hw_get_module(FINGERPRINT_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &hw_module))) {
        ALOGE("Can't open fingerprint HW Module, error: %d", err);
        return 0;
      if (NULL == hw_module) {
        ALOGE("No valid fingerprint module");
        return 0;
      mModule = reinterpret_cast<const fingerprint_module_t *>(hw_module);
      if (mModule->common.methods->open == NULL) {
        ALOGE("No valid open method");
        return 0;
      hw_device_t *device = NULL;
      if (0 != (err = mModule->common.methods->open(hw_module, NULL, &device))) {
        ALOGE("Can't open fingerprint methods, error: %d", err);
        return 0;
      if (kVersion != device->version) {
        ALOGE("Wrong fp version. Expected %d, got %d", kVersion, device->version);
        // return 0; // FIXME
      mDevice = reinterpret_cast<fingerprint_device_t *>(device);
      err = mDevice->set_notify(mDevice, hal_notify_callback);
      if (err < 0) {
        ALOGE("Failed in call to set_notify(), err=%d", err);
        return 0;
      // Sanity check - remove
      if (mDevice->notify != hal_notify_callback) {
        ALOGE("NOTIFY not set properly: %p != %p", mDevice->notify,
      ALOG(LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_TAG, "fingerprint HAL successfully initialized");
      return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(mDevice); // This is just a handle


    • 调用hw_get_module加载对应的库文件
    • 调用module结构体的common.methods->open指向的函数 module结构体定义如下

      static struct hw_module_methods_t fingerprint_module_methods = {
          .open = fingerprint_open,
      fingerprint_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
          .common =
                  .tag = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
                  .module_api_version = FINGERPRINT_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_0,
                  .hal_api_version = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,
                  .id = FINGERPRINT_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
                  .name = "Emulator Fingerprint HAL",
                  .author = "The Android Open Source Project",
                  .methods = &fingerprint_module_methods,


      static int fingerprint_open(const hw_module_t *module, const char __unused *id,
                                  hw_device_t **device) {
        if (device == NULL) {
          ALOGE("NULL device on open");
          return -EINVAL;
        fingerprint_device_t *dev = malloc(sizeof(fingerprint_device_t));
        memset(dev, 0, sizeof(fingerprint_device_t));
        dev->common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
        dev->common.version = FINGERPRINT_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_0;
        dev->common.module = (struct hw_module_t *)module;
        dev->common.close = fingerprint_close;
        dev->pre_enroll = fingerprint_pre_enroll;
        dev->enroll = fingerprint_enroll;
        dev->get_authenticator_id = fingerprint_get_auth_id;
        dev->cancel = fingerprint_cancel;
        dev->remove = fingerprint_remove;
        dev->set_active_group = fingerprint_set_active_group;
        dev->authenticate = fingerprint_authenticate;
        dev->set_notify = set_notify_callback;
        dev->notify = NULL;
        *device = (hw_device_t *)dev;
        return 0;
    • 调用set_notify设置回调函数
  6. hw_get_module函数主要实现底层so库加载 具体加载过程可以参考android hw_get_module 分析
  7. hw_get_module内部调用hw_get_module_by_class实现加载过程

    /** Base path of the hal modules */
    #if defined(__LP64__)
    #define HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1 "/system/lib64/hw"
    #define HAL_LIBRARY_PATH2 "/vendor/lib64/hw"
    #define HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1 "/system/lib/hw"
    #define HAL_LIBRARY_PATH2 "/vendor/lib/hw"
     * There are a set of variant filename for modules. The form of the filename
     * is "<MODULE_ID>" so for the led module the Dream variants
     * of base "ro.product.board", "ro.board.platform" and "ro.arch" would be:
    static const char *variant_keys[] = {
        "ro.hardware", /* This goes first so that it can pick up a different
                          file on the emulator. */

    hw_get_module_by_class根据优先级搜索对应的so文件,文件名主要由两部分构成. 第一部分为模块名,第二部分为类型.其中模块名固定,第二部分优先级顺序为: 硬件 > 产品 > cpu > arch > default.

    如果以上函数都执行成功,那么fingerprint module则加载完成.

3 nexus 6p无法启用finger问题原因

  1. 清华镜像的源码选择angler product,编译出来的system.img里没有fingerprintd可执行文件.
  2. 没有加载fingerprint module对应的库文件.
  3. hardware so库加载顺序有误.
  4. 解决方法 以移植goldfish为例
    1. 拷贝device/generic/goldfish/fingerprint目录到device/huawei/angler目录下
    2. 修改device/huawei/angler/device.mk文件,添加fingerprint模块

                       fingerprintd \
    3. 修改模块加载顺序 由于源码编译出来的image文件,在system/vendor/lib64下含有 所以在hw_get_module会加载fingerprint.angler.so而忽略 所以修改hardware.c文件中的默认搜索顺序,把ro.board.platform放到第一即可.

      static const char *variant_keys[] = {
          "ro.hardware", /* This goes first so that it can pick up a different
                            file on the emulator. */
          // "ro.board.platform",